Tuesday, January 12, 2010

OutdoorPhotographer.com Breaks Down HD Video

If you're feeling baffled by all of the video options springing up on digital SLR cameras these days then you're probably not alone.

After all, it's hard enough to keep track of the features that the cameras offer to enhance STILL images and how you have to figure out how to handle MOVING images.

To compound the problem, the world of video capture has its own jargon that you have to pick up in order to objectively compare different options.

Terms like 1080p, HD, SVGA and MPEG-4 compression are tossed around with nary an explanation.

Well, OutdoorPhotographer.com solves all that, with their HD Video Primer.

It's a great introduction to the terminology that you'll hear with regard to DSLR video, and it includes a breakdown of all the current DSLRs that can capture both motion and stills.

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