Thursday, January 28, 2010

Q and A: Full Frame or Crop Frame DSLR?

Should I get a full frame or crop frame digital SLR camera?
The key deciding factor between full frame and crop frame boils down to how often you think you'll shoot in dim available light.
While full frame cameras do offer a wider field of view (which is great for landscapes and interiors) their real advantage is the minimal noise they produce even at high ISO settings.
The larger sensors handle noise much better, so you can shoot at ISO 1600 and be hard-pressed to see deterioration in image quality.
If you don't think that you'll be shooting a lot in dim light without flash, then the reduced size and portability of crop-frame cameras is a big advantage. Plus, you pay a huge premium right now for full frame.
I expect the price of full frame cameras to drop in the coming years, and you can certainly get a crop-frame camera now and upgrade to a full frame later on down the line when the prices are more reasonable.

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